Hello guys,
I have a vector representing the enrichment in transcription factor X for a given group of genes for a given process, for 23 yeast species.
I would like to detect (regardless of the phylogenetic "order" of the species) where during evolution a shift happened in the enrichment in that TF X
Enrichment was calculated using PWM for each specie.
What I would like to do is to adress a statistically significance of that shift and then try to map the shift into a phylogenetic specie tree to localize what internal branch is concerned by this shift.
So my question is more likely an asking for help in the statics part.
Can anyone suggest a good way for detecting this shift including testing the normality of the distribution, transforming the data, calculating coreelation matrix ?? any idea is welcome
So its possible that e.g. 1/2 or more or less of your yeast species show a shift. Or you could have a gradual increase across the 23 species, including a loss at some. Do you see anything interesting when you do a boxplot or stripchart? I would also ask at stats.stackexchange.com.