Hello everyone!
As title suggests, I have designed primers for a gene (BRCA1) with help of ExonPrimer using hg19 as template. Problem is that in order to make manifest file in Illumina Experiment Manager (IEM) for PCR Amplicon Workflow, I need to have hg19 start and end co-ordinates of my amplicons but I have not been suplied this bit of information. So, is there any way of getting co-ordinates with help of forward and reverse primer sequences?
For Example, I have been supplied this bit of information for exon1 of BRCA1 gene,
Assembly Feb. 2009 (GRCh.37/hg19)
UCSC ID uc002icq.3
RefSeq (Accession#) NM_007294
Description Homo sapiens breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1), transcript variant 1, mRNA
Link: http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=uc002icq.3&hgg_prot=P38398&hgg_chrom=chr17&hgg_start=41196311&hgg_end=41277500&hgg_type=knownGene&db=hg19&hgsid=465092029_PO9baMwFwF3f1U3frs2NPFn2sAJL
Transcript (Including UTRs) Position: chr17:41,196,312-41,277,500 Size: 81,189 Total Exon Count: 23
Coding Region Position: chr17:41,197,695-41,276,113 Size: 78,419 Coding Exon Count: 22
Codon Exon Size Product Size Start (left) End (Right) Forward Primer Reverse Primer
2 80 bp 832 2223 3054 GGACGTTGTCATTAGTTCTTTGG caacatctgcctcctggttc
How many primers do you have? If you only have a few then you could just blast them online.
I have a similar query!! I have forward and reverse primers for 400 amplicons and I want to extract the start and end coordinates of the primers to soft clip them. Is there a way to do this?
I checked Insilco PCR. It does not provide the coordinates for primers!
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