It won't be as simple as that, because there can be multiple transcripts from the same gene. In those cases, which transcript would you consider? Nevertheless, UCSC Table Browser is a good start. It lets you upload/paste a list of IDs and retrieve a variety of information corresponding to those IDs.
In your case, select:
Clade -> Mammal, genome -> Human, version -> hg19, group -> Genes and Gene Predictions, track -> UCSC Genes, table -> knownGene, paste/upload your list of gene names in 'identifiers' section, output format -> Selected fields from primary and secondary tables, give output file name if you want to save the data in a file and click get output.
In the second page, select chrom, txStart, txEnd from hg19.knownGene, and geneSymbol from hg19.kgXref table. I would also recommend selecting kgID from hg19.kgXref (also known as UCSC ID), which are unique for each transcript variant.
Output for your gene names:
#hg19.knownGene.chrom hg19.knownGene.txStart hg19.knownGene.txEnd hg19.kgXref.kgID hg19.kgXref.geneSymbol
chr1 9711789 9775827 uc001aqa.2 PIK3CD
chr1 9711789 9789172 uc001aqb.4 PIK3CD
chr1 9770162 9789172 uc001aqe.4 PIK3CD
chr1 43803474 43815208 uc001civ.3 MPL
chr1 43803474 43820135 uc001ciw.3 MPL
chr1 43803474 43820135 uc009vwr.3 MPL
chr1 9751524 9789172 uc010oaf.2 PIK3CD
chr1 9751524 9789172 uc021ogb.1 PIK3CD
Cant you get that from GTF file?
Gencode GTF
A: Converting gtf format to bed format
Ensembl GTF