I've been given an opportunity to produce some guidelines for design of microarray experiments. I know there many resources and guides for determining approprate microarray experiment sample sizes.
However, what I'm looking for are data sets or examples that will actually convince non-math friendly crowds to consider sample size more seriously before committing resources to experiments. I would like to do a short presentation with horror stories of poor experimental design if possible. Microarray specific examples would be good, but other engaging examples from other fields with multiple comparison problems are welcome. I'd like to avoid formulas and statistical terminology as much as possible to avoid jargon narcosis, as per this question. These are primarily Affy arrays.
I am not sure it will go down very well with the experimentalists. Let us know reactions in case you go ahead ;)
Yes, it would have to be done gently--but I can imagine in a presentation they hurfdurf could show this, and make me "bad cop" saying "I asked some bioinfo geeks and they gave me this..." And then be "good cop": But of course what I want is to note the need to be involved in design to help you get the most out of this... I bet they'd remember it. :)