As I have it set up right now, Seq.IO.write(mygenbankObject, outfileHandle, genbank) seems to just write the LOCUS field, and the FEATURES field, but leaves everything else blank. It doesn't include the REFERENCE, which is what I need my final .gb file to have.
(Additionally, I don't even know what to call the titles that are in big capital letters in a genbank file. What's the technical term for the category that is: LOCUS, ORGANISM, REFERENCE, AUTHORS, FEATURES, etc...?)
Edit: I just found out those fields are called keys:
>>> record.annotations.keys()
['comment', 'sequence_version', 'source', 'taxonomy', 'keywords', 'references',
'accessions', 'data_file_division', 'date', 'organism', 'gi']
Now if only I can get the reference region