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8.9 years ago
Hi all,
I'm trying to map pair ended sample on ERCC(External RNA Control Consortium)92+Human cDNA fasta file.
So, Indexing was done by
bowtie2-2.2.6/bowtie2-build Ambion_92_ERCC_Concentration_cms_095047_plus_ERCC_vector.fasta,Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa ERCC_bt2
and then, mapped by
bowtie2-2.2.6/bowtie2 -x ERCC_bt2 -1 Rapaport2013_SEQC_A3.untie_1.fastq -2 Rapaport2013_SEQC_A3.untie_2.fastq -S ERCC_bt2.sam
After mapping I got error message like this
(ERR): bowtie2-align died with signal 15 (TERM)
61754424 reads; of these:
61754424 (100.00%) were paired; of these:
18726733 (30.32%) aligned concordantly 0 times
7967420 (12.90%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time
35060271 (56.77%) aligned concordantly >1 times
18726733 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
269850 (1.44%) aligned discordantly 1 time
18456883 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
36913766 mates make up the pairs; of these:
32282274 (87.45%) aligned 0 times
643672 (1.74%) aligned exactly 1 time
3987820 (10.80%) aligned >1 times
73.86% overall alignment rate
I can not figure out exactly why this error was made.
Actually, I got sam file (Not sure it is right), but does it matter?
Maybe mapping with nohup Linux command (due to long running time) makes it happened