I have wiggle files for each chromosome generated from MACS peak calling. Instead create a custom track for each chromosome from these wiggle files, is there a way to combine them into a single wig/bigwig so that I can look at them on UCSC genome browser? Thanks in advance!
In case you didn't already know MACS 1.4 beta has a function to create a single WIG file, use '--wig --single-wig'.
The important point is that you MUST remove the track header from the top of each WIG file before you merge them and convert them to bigWig. I like to keep a copy of the header.
Keep header:
head -n 1 *chr1.wig > header
Remove first line (track header):
sed -i '1d' *wig
Hope this helps!
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written 14.2 years ago by
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