I am quite new to RNA seq. I have assembled my first de novo assembled transcript via Trinity. I would like to assess the quality of my assembled transcript using RSEM-EVAL. I have installed Detonate, but I am having trouble running RSEM-EVAL without an error popping up. I do not have a reference transcriptome and I am not sure if I should be omitting something...
Here is the code I am using:
[npetrill@trogdor rsem-eval]$ ./rsem-eval-calculate-score ~/home/richardsonlab/AMMA_transcripts/trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta ~/home/richardsonlab/AMMA_transcripts/trinity_out_dir/rsem_eval_1 1086 --transcript-length-parameters rsem-eval/true_transcript_length_distribution/human.txt -p 16
Invalid number of arguments!
The average contain length is 1086. I am not sure what the parameter -p 16
is used for and if I should be using a number other than 16. (just going off of http://deweylab.biostat.wisc.edu/detonate/vignette.html) In addition, since I do not have a reference transcriptome, should I be omitting the transcript length distribution? Also, not sure if this makes a difference but I assembled my transcript using paired end reads.
I appreciate any help I can get! Thanks so much for taking the time to help.
Thank you,
Do you know how I would go about finding an average fragment length? Is this the same as average contig length, because I have that number.
Also, I am having trouble finding an online guide that expands upon what "number of threads" mean. Could you expand upon this?
Thank you very much!
In addition, I tried a new string of commands:
Please check if you have compiled the associated codes by typing related "make" commands and/or made related executables ready to use.
I am not sure what to make of this error message.