I did the download of BED file of wormbase_genes
from USCS but the file don't have the gene names, it has just the gene code. How can I add the gene names in BED file?
Thank you
I did the download of BED file of wormbase_genes
from USCS but the file don't have the gene names, it has just the gene code. How can I add the gene names in BED file?
Thank you
Go to the UCSC Table Browser, select your desired C. elegans assembly and then under output format select "selected fields from primary and related tables". If you then click get output you should see all linked tables including tables with the WormBase Gene IDs and SwissProt/trEMBL ID. Just select the tables that you need, press "allow selection from selected tables" and use "check all" to include all additional columns. If you then use "get output" you get a tab-delimited file with all selected columns.
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Thank you, trausch... I didnt know to use this tables and your help was great.