Entering edit mode
8.9 years ago
I generated SAM files using GSNAP. Sorted them using the following command:
sort -k 3,3 -k 4,4n identifier.unpaired_uniq > file
Now, I'm able to run cufflinks but when I run cuffdiff, it says:
[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[bam_header_read] invalid BAM binary header (this is not a BAM file).
[17:10:05] Loading reference annotation.
[17:10:08] Inspecting maps and determining fragment length distributions.)
And then keeps running. It's been days but it is still running. Here is the cuffdiff command:
cuffdiff merged_asm/merged.gtf P1_02.uniq.sorted,P2_02.uniq.sorted Control_P1_12.uniq.sorted,Control_P2_12.uniq.sorted,Control_P1_13.uniq.sorted,Control_P2_13.uniq.sorted -o diff_out.P_02vsContol -p 8 -L P,Control
Can someone point out where I'm going wrong?
Seems that the header info in the sorted file is at the bottom!
Never use the unix sort command on SAM files, use samtools or picard. Secondly, do yourself a favor and sort the BAM files instead, they can then be indexed, which will likely make cuffdiff happier.