I have two files I need to merge in Plink, but the SNP identifiers are different, i.e.
1 rs75454623:14930:A:G 0 14930 G A
1 rs199856693:14933:G:A 0 14933 A G
1 rs75454623: 0 14930 1 2
1 rs12354060 134304 10004 1 2
1 rs2691310 327454 46844 0 0
Is there any way in Plink that I can change the SNP IDs in the first file, so that I can merge these two files?
Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you Christopher for your help! I realize Plink can do the recode of the alleles which is great, but can it also recode the SNP ID in file 1 so that they are similar format to the SNP IDs in file 2, i.e. only extracting the first part with rsIDs, and create BED/BIM/FAM file with the recoded SNPs in the new format?
Thank you!
There may we a way, in PLINK, of updating the rsIDs in the first file using the rsIDs in the second file, but this is not something I am aware of.
I am sorry I mistakenly posted a comment as an answer and cannot delete it...