This is a follow up on this question
This is a problem in R using XML package. I have 2 pubmed articles and I need to select only certain IDS. Only from certain databases I can not crack how to specify search by element value using XPath in R.
Here is my code:
#this PMID has has GOE IDs
#this PMID has has Clnical Trials
xml1 = xmlTreeParse(url1,useInternal = T)
xml2 = xmlTreeParse(url2,useInternal = T)
ns1 <- getNodeSet(xml1, '//DataBank/DataBankName')
ns2 <- getNodeSet(xml2, '//DataBank/DataBankName')
I need to modify the XPath to only select where DataBankName is (='' or ='ISRCTN') URL which shows ISRCNT is this one
I need the IDs from the element stored in accession list:
(ns <- getNodeSet(xml1, '//DataBank'))
It looks like this:
I tried several ways how to match XPath based an element value but could not solve it. (any other solution, bypassing XPath is fine too)
Here is what I need (but it gives me error)
ns <- getNodeSet(xml1, '//DataBank/DataBankName[text()="" or text()="ISRCTN"]/../AccessionNumberList/AccessionNumber')
Yes, tried it: returns an XMLNodeSet with the 2 accession numbers (from xml3).
Thanks.Yes. that is smart. does not require backtracking to the parent. I did not see that in any XPath examples on the net.