Hi all,
I have a question regarding gene ontology. I have ChIP-seq data which I have compared to RNA-seq expression data which has given me a list of candidate genes that I am interested in pursuing. What I'd like to do next is to annotate each of these genes in the list with a molecular function. For example, I'd like to achieve something like this:-
Gene Top Function
GeneA Transcription factor
GeneB Secreted protein
I've done a lot of searching and there are almost too many tools out there for gene ontology that it's hard to know which one to choose. They all seem to take a list of genes and group them into most represented function however this is not really what I'm after. I want an annotation for each gene in the list if possible. I also find that a lot of the tools give terms that are not useful such as "binding" (I mean what does that even mean!!!). I don't know if DAVID can do this sort of thing but I find it not so user friendly and from what I can gather it is also quite out of date now.
Anyone have any ideas?
Very helpful description thank you Sukhdeep. Just to update though, I found a way to sort of get what I'm after with Biomart. Using Biomart I can select fields such as Gene Type, GO term name/accession etc for each gene in my list. I'm going to start with this and try other tools as you say to try and get a feel for the data. Essentially what I want to do is pull out all the transcription factors and all the secreted proteins from my list for further analysis. If there is a simple way of doing that I'm all ears!