I am running a local blast instance on my computer and I am trying to extract the sscinames from the database. I downloaded the viral database from ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/refseq/release/viral and created the blast database (with taxID) via:
grep -i "Viral\|virus" /reference/blast_database/refseq/RefSeq-release74.catalog &> viral_taxid.txt
awk 'BEGIN{FS= "\t"}{print $3" " $1}' viral_taxid.txt &> viral_taxid_map.txt
cat viral.2.protein.faa viral.1.protein.faa &> combined.protein.faa
makeblastdb -parse_seqids -in combined.protein.faa -out combined.protein -dbtype prot -taxid_map viral_taxid_map.txt
When I blast against my database, e.g.
blastx -num_threads 1 -outfmt '6 qseqid evalue bitscore staxids sgi sacc sscinames stitle' -db combined.protein -query data.fa
it does not return the sscinames
. Is there a way to incorporate this into my blast database?