I'm a biochemistry student and doing my thesis on some NGS data analysis. I really get exited about the idea of take a PhD program in this area.
I have a strong formation on molecular biology and basic experience with bash and python scripting. I'm looking for a PhD program that can give me a solid background on bioinformatics but also a chance to apply this knowledge to study some interesting biology phenomena like development, non-coding RNA, splicing, cancer, etc ...
Do you now some PhD programs like that? Or a good way to find them?
I don't really care about where is the PhD, I'll do my best to follow my dreams.
Thanks for your time!
I would suggest nature jobs as a good resource to look through.
many similar questions have been asked before: http://biostar.stackexchange.com/questions/11897/where-should-i-apply-to-graduate-school-for-bioinformatics/11908
@ying w, thanks I didn't saw these.