Hello all,
I've analysed microarray data with limma package and ended up with a list of genes that are deferentially expressed. By default it has ranked DE genes based on B-statistics and from the reference manual (Page 4) I thought it would be a good parameter to rank. However from previous threads and some suggestions adjusted p-value
would be a more useful parameter to select significant DE genes. I've observed that in my results adjusted p-values are much higher (0.1 - 0.9, nothing is <0.05). what might be the reason here? Should I repeat the analysis process with any changes? Or is it normal?
And I would be interested to mention that the top DE genes selected with B-statistics are actually correlating with the experiments we are doing in the lab (The list contains the number of genes that we were assuming to have differentially expressed). I am little bit biased with this post on significance values.
- Illumina platform
- 12 completely individual cell lines (based on some experimental results we've grouped them into 2, 6 in each)
- Normalization - neqc function from limma.
I would like to provide more information, if required.
Thanks andrew for more interesting points to converge the problem. Question updated.
I don't really work with tumours, so someone more familiar with them may be able to comment on how that should impact relative to sample size. I'd suggest you take a probe targets a gene you're familiar with, and visualise the log2 expression relative to each sample, and see what it looks like, see how variable the samples are, and the means by sample type. Your normalisation choice is fine, you can feel free to update with your code so we can take a quick look through, but other than that, there's not much more I can suggest.