i have the following problem: In a practical course, I have obtained a quite big data set X of measurements and slightly smaller data sets Y1 and Y2. I need to use the Mann-Whitney-U test in order to find out, if the measurements Y1 and Y2 are either significantly smaller or significantly bigger the ones in X. We were only given the significance level alpha = 0.05. Unfortunately I only have a poor understanding of statistical testing. As far as I understand, I have to do the following things:
- One tailed test H0: a bigger than or equal to 0 VS H1: a < 0
- Determine p-value (i have a python script for that)
The problem is, that I don't quite understand how to interpret this. Lets say I compare:
- X and Y1 and I receive a p-value of 0.6, which is bigger than alpha = 0.05 and
- compare X and Y2 and I receive a p-value of 0.4 (smaller than alpha)
In case 1 I would reject H0 and in case 2 I would accept H0. But what does that (in a normal language)? Which one is significantly bigger than X and which one is significantly smaller than X)
I hope someone can clear things up for me.
Best regards
When the result of the test is deemed significant (p<=alpha), we reject the null hypothesis, meaning that we consider H0 to be wrong which we use as support for the alternative hypothesis. However, when the test is deemed not significant (p>alpha), we can't reject H0 but that doesn't mean accepting H0. When the test is not significant, it means we don't know, there's not enough data to decide.This is because the test is designed only for testing if there's evidence to reject H0. Basically, a non-significant test indicates absence of evidence and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.