Hi all,
I have structural calls represented in bedpe format http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/general-usage.html#bedpe-format
I want to merge the calls with both ends overlapping. similar to this question Merging And De-Duplicating Structural Variant Calls (Bedpe)
I also read https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bedtools-discuss/JXZbJSwVxUo
and it seems to be not an easy job.
Anyone has written tools for this kind of task?
I am aware of svtools https://github.com/hall-lab/svtools, but it is still under development, and not tested yet.
The first entry in bedpe1 overlaps with the second entry in bedpe2.
merged to
This is just an example for intra-chromosomal merging.
Ideally, one can specify, how merging should be performed. minimal overlappings: