Hi I download a data set from SRA database get from ABI Solid 4 System platform, I used the following command:
bowtie ../../Syne -C -S -p 7 --best --strata -m 1 ../stdc_1.fastq >stc_1.sam
to get uniquely mapped, but after a minutes running the alignment abort showing:
Reads file contained a pattern with more than 1024 quality values.
Please truncate reads and quality values and and re-run Bowtie
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'
Reading in forum they say that its a problem with multiples "." in a group of read, to solve that I removed that group of read and the problem persist.
Any idea of why is happening or if I'm doing something wrong?
do you know some tool that make a good transformation of solid data to illumina data?
You cannot and must not convert colospace sequences to Illumina sequences (ATGC). The reason can be found if you google a little bit
In my hands, I had a lot of trouble handling SOLiD data. A mapping to a nice transcriptomic using bowtie did not render more than 5-7% of the reads being mapped, and after a lot or work, I eventually give up..