I have a quick question.
I have found a paper describing the different assembly tools http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24581555 "A comprehensive evaluation of assembly scaffolding tools"
It turns out that they have test abyss-map v1.3.6 which turns out to be a bit old now.
My question is if you recommend to use abyss for metagenomics scaffolding. Right now I'm using megahit and soapdenovo , soapdenovo is not maintained any more so I'm looking for other open source options.
Do you recommend abyss for metagenomics (human microbioe, soil, water...).
Thanks for sharing your experience
Hi David,
It is probably best to use an assembler/scaffolder that has been specifically designed and tested for metagenomic data. (To the best of my knowledge, ABySS is not well tested for that application.) I did a Google search for "metagenome assembler" and came across the following tools list from https://bioinformatictools.wordpress.com/tag/metagenomic-assembly/
Maybe one of those tools will have a scaffolding module that you can use.