I have a small ChIP-Seq dataset having 3 replicates each of gene-knockout and wildtype. After peak calling using MACS2, I ran the samples through FIMO in MEME Suite to check for certain motifs within the peaks. I used the .gff files to run those peaks through DiffBind to see which of the motif-containing peaks are differentially bound. the function dba() in DiffBind is not detecting any sites in the matrix. This is how the output looks
6 Samples, 0 sites in matrix (10752 total):
ID Tissue Factor Condition Replicate Caller Intervals
1 532WT WT TFE Wildtype 1 gff 7399
2 534WT WT TFE Wildtype 2 gff 19
3 537WT WT TFE Wildtype 3 gff 6428
4 531KO KO TFE Knockout 1 gff 33
5 535KO KO TFE Knockout 2 gff 2251
6 536KO KO TFE Knockout 3 gff 1152
Is there any alternate method to do this?
Is there any particular reason why the number of sites in the matrix above is 0 ?