I'm just trying to use samtools mpileup and it is aborting with out showing any error for some bacterial genomes, with the file given there are two variants and the program dies.
The error is just:
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
Aborted (core dumped)
The reference file (indexed with bwa) is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzPjZ1hM-XWPMmxucnpDUjdpUFE/view?usp=sharing The sorted bam file is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzPjZ1hM-XWPUWw4NkdhM0E3Vm8/view?usp=sharing
The call is:
samtools mpileup -uf SaureusTCH1516_nt_genome.fasta 446.srt.bam
To obtained the sorted bam file:
First I trimmed pair end reads by quality and if adapters were found.
Second the trimmed reads are splitted in two different files, one for each end of the sequencing data, resulting in files without quality information.
Third I aligned the reads files to the reference with bwa aln and bwa sampe
Fourth I created the sam file with samtools view | sort
And finally I indexed the sorted bam file resulting in the file given in the link.
The version of samtools I'm using is 1.1 using htslib 1.1
Any hints on what I could be doing wrong, or what may be happening?
Thanks in advance
This is the 64th read in the file, and I believe the preceding reads were just lucky. I think the problem occurs due to the QUAL being
and that Rafa has encountered bug #320/BAQ recalculation corrupts records without base qualities, which can alternatively be worked around by disabling BAQ recalculation (if appropriate) with-B
.Interesting, I guess I've never looked at the code for BAQ (I just noticed that the core dumps due to an assert in skip_aux when it's looking for the RG tag).
Indeed. Like I alluded to in the samtools-help thread linked from bug #320, tracking this down involved quite a lot of not-fun with the debugger :-)