I'm new to hapmap and wondered how to figure out what % of the common variation in a gene I'm able to explain using the SNPs that I have genotyped. Does anyone know if this is possible in hapmap, and if it is, how to do this?
Thank you!!
Thank you so much! Very helpful!
I have just a couple follow up questions:
--I'm having trouble figuring out what information goes where on the Tagger website [https://www.broadinstitute.org/mpg/tagger/server.html]. Do the coordinates for the SNPs I have genotyped go in "chromosomal landmarks"? Or do they go in "include tag SNPs"? When I put their coordinates or the SNP rs #s in either of those spaces (respectively), I get this error message: Linux env: /broad/lsf/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86/bin/bsub: No such file or directory.
--If that isn't the place to put the SNPs I have genotyped, where should that go?
--Aside from the information you would enter as part of my first question, what other information needs to be added?
Sorry, and thank you for your help!