I am merging BAM files corresponding to several replicate experiments into one large BAM file. The resulting file is really large (400 Gb). I was using the "cat" command, and at some point connection to the server broke, so it could be that the end of the BAM file is a bit damaged (e.g. not all parts of the individual BAM files which I was merging are included in the final BAM file). Is it a problem? That is, for the biological analysis it should not be a problem if a small portion of reads is missing. But will it affect the structure of the binary structure of the BAM bile in such a way that it is unusable?
Devon, when you suggest avoiding merging, which type of analysis do you have in mind? I need to calculate a heatmap, which would be representative of all the replicates (that is, an average of all replicates). Are there some tools that take as input multiple BAM files of replicates to construct a single heatmap?
What data do you want to put on the heatmap? If you plan to compute a coverage, you can compute coverage files per BAM and then add them together. Using deepTools you can compute coverages, add them together using bigwigCompare and finally create a heatmap.
I am trying to use your tool, and it looks very impressive, but also very sophisticated. I am historically more used to do this kind of analysis in HOMER. Do you know whether HOMER allows creating a single tag dir from multiple BAM files?
I am still unsure what you want to do. I tried to guessed it is coverage but can you elaborate?
I want to calculate enriched heatmaps, like these https://deeptools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/tools/plotHeatmap.html
The only problem is that the input files are as large as several hundreds of Gb (for a single heatmap)
Please define "calculate enriched heatmaps"?
The method you reference seems to suggest that you supply the plotHeatmap function with the output of computeMatrix. The function computeMatrix does not seem to take a BAM file. Instead it needs you to supply the regions you wish to score as a bed file, and the scores for those regions as a Wig file.
I am talking about the whole downstream analysis starting from the BAM files and ending with the heatmap like in the figure. Currently I am trying HOMER, but it has the following problem: it worked well for one cell type using about 200 Gb reads as input, but it failed to work for another cell type which has two times more reads.
Is there any reason why you can't process each sample individually, then average scores of replicates?
Two reasons: (1) processing each of the 20 samples individually is more work, and (2) I have no computational tool to average 20 heat maps into one single heatmap
I guess I'm a little confused, your post is about merging BAM files, but above you said that you had already run this with HOMER. Can you explain what is meant by "failed to work", did the program crash or did something else happen?
Are you sure you're not running into memory issues with such a large amount of data? Merging the BAM won't solve that.
I figured it out how to create a merged tag dir in HOMER by merging several precalculated HOMER dirs, avoiding directly merging BAM files. The problem though, is that HOMER works fine only up to a certain dir size. Perhaps it is a memory issue, since intermediate files might be >1Tb. For now, I have just decided to discard several replicates to downsize the problem.
deepTools won't have issues with a BAM file that large. Having said that, I would normally keep my replicates in separate files, since otherwise you can't assess variability. If you want to then do some comparison between groups, you can always get the data (as a numpy matrix or sometimes even a text file) and write a script to do whatever you want with it.
PS. I have started "samtools merge", and it is VERY slow. I guess it will take the whole day just to merge the files.
FYI, you can multithread the writing with the -@ option.
good advise about -@, thank you!
Almost anything, in fact the only time you actually need to merge biological replicates is for variant calling or ChIPseq when your sequencing depth is much too low. Oh and maybe with assembly. So unless your coverage is low you likely don't need to merge replicates.