For reads Minion 2d is a consensus call of the template and complement strands. and the consensus is what? Is this the strand of the top or bottom DNA fragment? because I must know either the top or the bottom?
Thank you
For reads Minion 2d is a consensus call of the template and complement strands. and the consensus is what? Is this the strand of the top or bottom DNA fragment? because I must know either the top or the bottom?
Thank you
Hi midox,
each molecule of DNA is double stranded, one end contains a loading adaptor and the second one a hairpin adaptor. Firstly, one strand of DNA (called template) is passed through the pore, followed by the hairpin adaptor and then by the second strand (called complement). Then, the information from both strands is used for higher accuracy base calling - and the consensus sequence (2D read) is created.
You can nicely see the structure of minion read here: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v12/n4/fig_tab/nmeth.3290_SF13.html
Hope it helps
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Thanks for your help.
Yes, each molecule of DNA is double stranded. so during the creation of the consensus (2D). It's a sequence, is that this sequence from the up or down strand?