I have some ChIP-seq data that has been aligned to the Rattus Norvegicus Rnor 6.0 genome build (Ensembl). I really like the IGB genome browser and would like to stick with it. I'm wondering if I can use it to view my bedgraph files for this recent genome build? When I select rn6 in IGB as my genome build, it doesn't seem to have any information on gene names (so Ref genes) etc like I do with Hg19. Is there a way this can be added? I looked at the user guide for creating a custom genome but wasn't sure how to modify something that already exists?
If you can't find rn6 in IGB: https://wiki.transvar.org/display/igbman/Loading+data#Loadingdata-ChooseSpeciesandGenomeVersion
you could import it in as a "custom genome": https://wiki.transvar.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23200542