I am trying to extract only variants which as an ALT allele frequency above a certain value, using vcftools and the parameter --non-ref-af-any
. Several of my variants have several alternative alleles, but when using the --non-ref-af-any
it doesn't filter at all. Every variant is included, despite having AF=0 for the only ALT allele. When using the --non-ref-af
option, only single ALT alleles with AF > x is extracted.
Is this a bug in vcftools? I am using VCF files from Ion Torrent Suite.
Thanks for any help!
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, your filter removed all entries in the VCF file, even though some of them have AF > 0. Used this way:
scriptname filename.vcf > outfile.vcf
The VCF file is generated by Ion Torrent Suite software (Life Technologies/Thermo).
Could you send me the first 1,000 or 10,000 lines of your vcf to test the script? You can email me to fa8 - at - sanger.ac.uk
Earlier today I wrote my own python script to filter NOCALLS and AF=0 from my files, which works fine on my VCF files. That means; I don't need help anymore. Please tell me if you would like the "head" of my Ion Torrent VCF file anyway?
Glad to hear that. I don't need it, but thanks