I am new to PLINK and I am having trouble using one of the commands. I am trying to perform logistic regression analysis on several bed, bim and fam files. Here is the command I put in:
plink \
--bfile chr22.dose \
--logistic \
--covar COPD_NHW_Phenotype_PC_Final.txt \
--covar-name FamilyID,PatientID, FatherID, MotherID, Sex, Affection, Status, Age_Enroll, EV=6.02683, EV=2.8176, EV=1.74892, EV=1.65407, EV=1.55682, EV=1.46005, EV=1.44006, EV=1.39075, EV=1.19516, EV=1.17052, \
--out chr22.dose.output
I get back the following message and error:
Logging to chr22.dose.output.log.
Options in effect:
--bfile chr22.dose
--covar COPD_NHW_Phenotype_PC_Final.txt
--covar-name FamilyID,PatientID, FatherID, MotherID, Sex, Affection, Status, Age_Enroll, EV=6.02683, EV=2.8176, EV=1.74892, EV=1.65407, EV=1.55682, EV=1.46005, EV=1.44006, EV=1.39075, EV=1.19516, EV=1.17052,
--out chr22.dose.output
516866 MB RAM detected; reserving 258433 MB for main workspace.
Allocated 145368 MB successfully, after larger attempt(s) failed.
652195 variants loaded from .bim file.
5269 people (0 males, 0 females, 5269 ambiguous) loaded from .fam.
Ambiguous sex IDs written to chr22.dose.output.nosex .
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked.
Error: --covar file doesn't have a header line for --covar-name.
I've searched online and I can't find anything on this error. Can anyone please help me out?
Post the first ten lines of
.First column should be FID.
Second column should be IID.
The Father and the Mother ID columns look empty. You can't have empty data. Add -9 or 0 if empty.
Family ID
toEV = 1.39075
are all separate columns