I have some microarray data from a few years ago, and the rs identifier in the file was from dbSNP 131. In order to do some analysis on this old data, I will need to know the positions of the microarray SNPs, and thus would like to download dbSNP131.
However, on UCSC Table Browser, I can no long find this database. I tried: assembly: hg19, group: Variations - then there is no dbSNP131 under tracks.
Does anyone know any other places to access dbSNP131 please? Or, is it save to just use dbSNP 138? The microarray chip was HumanOmni2.5-8v1 from Illumina.
Thank you
Hrmm... the dbSNP site doesn't appear to archive older data after poking around a bit. Sorry, that's not much help. Deleting my original answer.
Don't worry about it. I found one from ANNOVAR. Thank you very much for your reply.