Nowadays, I am setting database using mysql and perl script package.
The name of perl script package is orthomcl.
Even though there are some manual to install and configure all of them.
But in the progress, I failed to follow them right because of mysql installation.
Original manuals suggest manual install to configure their directory, but I already installed all software automatically (mysql 5.5.47, Perl, Perl DBI and DBD in Ubuntu linux 14.04 LTS).
::The problem is, in the perl script package, there is mysql.cnf file.
So I need to copy this file to mysql folder which generated when unzip the mysql package manually following the original manual.
But I cannot find the loci of the folder. Where should I copy this configuration file?
FYI, here is the original manual for configuring directory.
# Install and Set up MySql (THIS IS A B***H TO GET TO WORK
# if you do it for the first time like I did!!!!)
mv mysql-5.6.21-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 mysql
cd mysql
cp PATH_TO_PROGRAMS/orthomclSoftware-v2.0.9/doc/OrthoMCLEngine/Main/mysql.cnf .
# Edit mysql.cnf using any editor, I use nano but you can use any other text editor
nano mysql.cnf
So, you are searching for the mysql folder?
How have you installed mysql?