I'm trying to download data from the excellent icgc portal.
I have a DACO account, and I have my access token generate from icgc portal. I download icgc-storage-client, set the config file with my access token.
Now, when I try to download file, using the following command :
icgc-storage-client download --object-id 0429f668-437b-5943-8e32-6ba1743628ed --output-dir /tmp
I get nothing ! And using the url by the following command :
URL=`icgc-storage-client url --object-id 0429f668-437b-5943-8e32-6ba1743628ed`
wget $URL
I get an access denied! I may miss something in the process . Do you know what is it ? From the documentation, it says something about "creating a computer instance to run icgc-storage-client", I don't understand what the purpose...
hello! glad to see it! Now, I come up with the same problem,have you solve it?and how did you solve it? Appreciated to hear from you !