Hello, I am using the locuszoom standalone to generate images for publication.
I need to be able to print them at 300 DPI.
I have looked through the documentation, but cannot seem to find an option to do so, even though this must be possible because such images are frequently published.
Can anyone offer help or advice on how to do this?
-alpha off : Turn off transparency of background (Plos doesn't like it)
-trim : Remove unused/white space around figures.
-resize : Resize to i x j pixels. If the source image is not squared, make the
largest dim (h or w) these many pixels and
the other dim smaller. I.e. proportions are conserved.
-density : Density as pixels/inch (DPI).
-depth : Default 16, Plos wants 8
-compress : Compression algorithms. lzw, required by Plos, makes the image much smaller!
Thank you so much. Will accept just as soon as I can test it