Just wondering if this is plausible...
I am working with head and neck squamous cell cancer samples from TCGA, and the tumors do not have any somatic mutations when I view it through IGV - specifically on TP53. Commonly there should be a high mutation rate for this cancer type.
I see common SNPs but no mutation. Could it be that part of the workflow removed them?
I simply trim adapters and poly-N and low quality (<10) reads. I then align it with STAR (assigning 60 MQ for unique mappers). I add RG info, mark duplicates, and split/trim N CIGAR (introns).
I've view the sample after alignment, after deduping, and after trimming N reads but in each case, there are no mutations...
Not sure how long this link will last but click on the mutations tab when the page loads.
Thanks for the link. I tried querying for head and neck cancer but weirdly nothing shows up.