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8.9 years ago
I am trying to add gene information to a vcf file using vcftools:
vcftools annotate \
-a genes.bed.gz \
-h <(echo '##INFO=<ID=GENE,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Gene name">') \
is compressed using bzip, sorted, and indexed by tabix
for f in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/tabix/*.bed ; do
bname=$(basename $f)
vcf-sort $f | bgzip -c > $f.gz ; tabix -p bed $f.gz
chr1 955543 955763 AGRN
chr1 957571 957852 AGRN
chr1 970621 970740 AGRN
The vcftools command runs but I do not see that the vcf.gz was updated with the gene information from the bed file. At a later time I want to use those gene names to filter the vcf. Thank you .
Just for clarification, what is
bash for loop
doing here? If you have only one bed file, why to use a loop? And why are you usingvcf-sort
on a bed file? According to manual indexing should be done in some other way. Check thisSince I will eventually have multiple bed files I use a loop, but will start with one at a time. Thank you for the link:).