Does anyone know if the tool vcf-consensus supports indels insertion in the consensus sequence?
Does anyone know if the tool vcf-consensus supports indels insertion in the consensus sequence?
Not sure about vcftools-consensus but indels are taken into account with "bcftools consensus" and is probably faster than vcftools:
bcftools consensus --fasta-ref <reference.fasta> <file.vcf.b.gz> --sample <IND> -o <output_consensus.fasta>
Hi! For some reason when I try bcf consensus, indels are not taken into account. When i do samtools mpileup and bcftools call to create a vcf file, it will annotate indels but with a 0/0 genotype. I think that has to do with bcftools consensus not including indels it in the consensus seq. Have you noticed this before? Thanks
This is my pipeline: index ref.fasta ref='ref.fasta' in='sample.fasta' out='output.sam'
samtools view -bS output.sam > output.bam
samtools sort output.bam > sorted.bam
samtools index sorted.bam
samtools mpileup -uf SA05sequence.fasta sorted.bam | bcftools call -c > vars.vcf
bgzip -c vars.vcf vars.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf vars.vcf.gz
bcftools consensus --fasta-ref ref.fasta vars.vcf.gz -o consensus.fasta
Sorry guys, I figured it out. My problem was caused by the difference of indel representing by BBMap. I now call BBMap using sam=1.3 and for bcftools I use call -m (multiallelic) Figured it out using:
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It supports only SNVs and deletions. Not insertions