Dear all,
please could you advise : before the use of eitther varscan, somaticsnipper or samtools to call the somatic mutations, would we need to :
a, mark the duplicates b. realign the data around indels (as we would do typically with GATK, before running Mutect) ?
many thanks !
Hi Chris, Can you elaborate on why you say that local indel realignment is not necessary? Is it that you see no benefit, or that some callers do not need the local realignment preprocessing in order to deal with non-canonical alignments? Our (RTG) somatic caller internally does something similar to local realignment to candidate haplotypes when calling complex regions such as indels or dense snps, so realignment is not needed as a separate preprocessing step, and I imagine that callers incorporating local assembly also do not need realignment preprocessing.
Definitely the latter. I can't comment on whether there is any benefit, but the specific tools he mentioned do not require it.