I know about the MAQC project which provides q-PCR data for approx. 1000 genes for human data.
I wondered if there is also a similar data set around but for yeast instead of human?
Additionally, I would be also interested in any other data set where qt-PCR data is available for a subset of the RNA-Seq data.
Good question. Do you need raw RT-PCR amplification curves? This publication is human (not yeast) but it appears to include RNA-Seq data for two cell lines, plus corresponding RT-PCR relative quantitation for a subset of 27 transcripts:
Another set of q-PCR data used for validation of human RNA-seq results is described in: Griffith et al.. Exon specific qPCRs were designed for ~200 genes. These exons were found to be differentially or alternatively expressed between a pair of cell lines.
The RNA-seq data was generated for a single replicate from each cell line. The qPCR data was generated for biological triplicates (and each of these had technical triplicates).