I have install latest version of interproscan. It works fine with protein sequences but when I run it with nucleotide sequence (=300 sequences only) it gives issue. My command is ./interproscan.sh -t n -i NuD.fasta And it returns: 04/03/2016 11:06:12:708 Running the following analyses: [jobHAMAP,jobProDom-2006.1,jobPIRSF-3.01,jobPfam,jobSMART-6.2,jobGene3d,jobCoils,jobPrositeProfiles,jobTIGRFAM-15.0,jobPRINTS-42.0,jobSuperFamily-1.75,jobPrositePatterns] Loading file /my_interproscan/interproscan-5.16-55.0/temp/insight-ThinkPad-X230_20160304_110606718_59s7//jobLoadNucleicAcidSequence/orfs.fasta 04/03/2016 11:06:12:897 Running the following analyses: [jobHAMAP,jobProDom-2006.1,jobPIRSF-3.01,jobPfam,jobSMART-6.2,jobGene3d,jobCoils,jobPrositeProfiles,jobTIGRFAM-15.0,jobPRINTS-42.0,jobSuperFamily-1.75,jobPrositePatterns] Available matches will be retrieved from the pre-calculated match lookup service.
Matches for any sequences that are not represented in the lookup service will be calculated locally. 2016-03-04 11:06:13,377 [uk.ac.ebi.interpro.scan.business.sequence.BerkeleyPrecalculatedProteinLookup:283] WARN -
The version of InterProScan you are using is 5.16-55.0 The version of the lookup service you are using is 5.17-56.0 As the data in these versions is not the same, you cannot use this match lookup service. InterProScan will now run locally If you would like to use the match lookup service, you have the following options: i) Download the newest version of InterProScan5 from our FTP site: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/interpro/ ii) Download the match lookup service for your version of InterProScan from our FTP site and install it locally. You will then need to edit the following property in your configuration file to point to your local installation: precalculated.match.lookup.service.url=
In the meantime, the analysis will continue to run locally.
And it keep on repeating this and nothing happens:
2016-03-04 11:06:15,955 [uk.ac.ebi.interpro.scan.business.sequence.BerkeleyPrecalculatedProteinLookup:283] WARN -
The version of InterProScan you are using is 5.16-55.0 The version of the lookup service you are using is 5.17-56.0 As the data in these versions is not the same, you cannot use this match lookup service. InterProScan will now run locally If you would like to use the match lookup service, you have the following options: i) Download the newest version of InterProScan5 from our FTP site: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/interpro/ ii) Download the match lookup service for your version of InterProScan from our FTP site and install it locally. You will then need to edit the following property in your configuration file to point to your local installation: precalculated.match.lookup.service.url=
In the meantime, the analysis will continue to run locally.
Can anyone help me. I really don't know what to do even I am not getting any help from any forum. Will be great full for a quick response. Thanks in advance.