I am currently dealing with some fasta files using fastools to digest the sequence by MboI restriction enzyme. The command I used is as follow fastools -digest -rest MboI -in A.fasta -out REA.fasta
This enzyme cuts GATC sites, but the output also contain the complementary strand information which starts with CTAG. Therefore, I wanna ask whether it is possible to let the program only cut GATC instead of cutting CTAG? Or is there any other program to cut the DNA sequence in fasta file based on restriction site? Thanks!
Hi Goutham,
Thanks for your script. I am trying the script while have the syntax error as follow, could you help me how to fix it?
python script.py in.fasta | bedtools getfasta -fi in.fasta -bed - -fo re_out.fasta index file in.fasta.fai not found, generating... File "script.py", line 13 print_ReSites( strseq.id),str(seq.seq)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Thank you so much!! It works!
Hi Goutham,
I am also using your script with my own sequences but I have the same error. It seems is because of the extra " ) " at the end of the code. Then I deleted it, and know I have another problem. Could you help me to fix it please? The error:
There is a problem with biostars formatting. This should help.
I've added spaces to circumvent that. It is a weird bug. Here's what I tried to pin down the root cause:
before the(
) to check ifs(
is the problem_
in the method name to__
None of those worked. Maybe Istvan Albert can shed some light - it seems to be a problem with the wmd markdown library.
It works!!! Thanks!!