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9.0 years ago
I have re-installed all the ensembl API modules both in my own laptop and in a cluster to run a new script. Curiously, in my laptop the scripts invoke by default the latest Ensembl version (83), whereas in the cluster version 81 is used. Anyone knows how could I remove this 81-ness? (I checked very carefully my bashrc / tcshrc configuration files - nothing odd there)
Many thanks, Federico
Yes, they are. I removed all previous Bioperl/ensembl modules, installed the new ones, modified the PERL5LIB accordingly... Everything works fine except that in the cluster the API is using version 81 instead of 83. In case it helps, I have variant_effect_predictor.pl also installed in the cluster, with the following datasets: 81_GRCh37 and 82_GRCh38, but there is nothing in my .bashrc or ENV variables related to VEP. Once more, thanks for your help, Emily
Spoke to our API guys. Here are their suggestions:
Sorted!! Thank you. These commands revealed that I have another Ensembl's API installation. It is strange because that directory was not explicitly pointed within my PERL5LIB environmental variable, but the parent directory was. Anyhow, its sorted :-) Many thanks!