Hi All, How can I find other gene present nearby to a specific gene (TFEB) in chipseq peak file (bed format). Please suggest any command line tool/script, instead of uploading on genome browser.
Thanks, Mike
Hi All, How can I find other gene present nearby to a specific gene (TFEB) in chipseq peak file (bed format). Please suggest any command line tool/script, instead of uploading on genome browser.
Thanks, Mike
You have a couple of options here. You're essentially trying to annotate your peaks.
1) HOMER has the ability to annotate your peaks to the nearest gene, as well as provides a wide variety of other useful tools. It is a command line tool. The tool accepts HOMER peak files or BED files (specific formatting information can be found on the link). As a generic example the tool would be used in the following way:
Where $REFERENCE_GENOME could be one of: hg38, hg19, mm9, etc.
Where $REFERENCE_GTF is a gtf formatted dataset from Gencode, or UCSC.
2) ChIPseeker is a R package available from the Bioconductor 'suite' that can be used for annotation, comparison, and visualization of ChIP-seq data. Your question can be answered via section 5 here. But essentially you'd be using the annotatePeak
3) Bedtools is a software suite for genomics analysis tasks. Your question could be answered by using the closest
function which searches for overlapping features in file A and file B. If no feature in B overlaps A then it will report the nearest feature in B. This means you'd need access to a BED file that has all your gene coordinates, this can easily be grabbed from the UCSC Table Browser. A generic example would look something like this:
bedtools closest -a $NARROWPEAK_FILE -b $GENE_BED_FILE [any options you might want] > $OUTPUT_FILE
I'm sure there's a variety of other annotation software out there, these are just my commonly used ones, but i'm hoping that others are shared.
You can use BEDOPS closest-features
and BEDOPS gtf2bed
or gff2bed
with a GTF or GFF file containing gene annotations.
For example, to get annotations for hg19
$ wget -O - ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz \
| gunzip -c - \
| gtf2bed - \
| grep -w gene - \
> gencode.v19.genes.bed
Then run a query:
$ closest-features --closest --delim '\t' --no-ref peaks.bed gencode.v19.genes.bed > answer.bed
The --no-ref
option leaves out overlaps between peaks, so that what is reported as nearest is a gene annotation. The --closest
option picks the nearest of the two annotations that are upstream and downstream of the peak (depending on strandedness, you may want to leave this out, post-processing with awk
or similar to choose based on strand; or add --dist
and select based on signed distance).
See --help
for other useful options.
The first few columns will contain the peak, the remaining columns will contain the nearest gene. Remove the --delim '\t'
option if you want a clearer delimiter between peak and nearest gene. It is sometimes more convenient to have a tab, however, but the pipe character should make the connection clearer.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your question, however. Are you instead looking for:
Please let me know.
grep TFEB answer.bed (answer.bed is my annotated file)
chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 . - HAVANA gene . gene_id ENSG00000112561.13"; transcript_id "ENSG00000112561.13"; gene_type "protein_coding"; gene_status KNOWN"; gene_name "TFEB"; transcript_type "protein_coding"; transcript_status "KNOWN"; transcript_name TFEB"; level 2; havana_gene "OTTHUMG00000014684.12";
Thanks alot
The following will tell you which is the closest gene to this annotation. It works by piping the TFEB-specific annotation to closest-features
, to find the nearest Gencode annotation:
$ grep TFEB answer.bed | closest-features --closest --delim '\t' - gencode.v19.genes.bed > TFEB.closest-feature.bed
If you need the N nearest genes, not just the first nearest gene, I describe a solution here that uses a repeated series of piped calls to closest-features
Hi Alex, Sorry for again.. when i used following command:
$ grep TFEB answer.bed | closest-features --closest --delim '\t' - gencode.v19.genes.bed > TFEB.closest-feature.bed
it returned only TFEB containing single line (chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 . - HAVANA ................... TFEB.....)
next, I used closest-features for N nearest gene....
closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - >1.bed
closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - |closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - >2.bed
closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - |closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - | closest-features gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed |awk -F'|' '{print $3}' - >3.bed
paste -d'|' 1.bed 2.bed 3.bed >Results.bed
wc 1.bed 2.bed 3.bed Results.bed gencode.v19.genes.bed TFEB.closest-feature.bed
57820 122572 906180 1.bed
57820 122572 906180 2.bed
57820 122572 906180 3.bed
57820 252076 2718540 Results.bed
57820 1680206 18585614 gencode.v19.genes.bed
1 58 648 TFEB.closest-feature.bed
4299 125105 1390879 answer.bed
but in all files (1.bed, 2.bed, 3.bed and Results.bed ) there are repeated TFEB , some line of Results.bed file are:
chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 ........................TFEB |...
chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 ........................TFEB|....
chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 ........................TFEB|....
Sorry if im wrong in above protocol
please find this link (this is my annoated file) http://wikisend.com/download/618016/answer.bed
$ grep TFEB /Users/alexpreynolds/Downloads/answer.bed | closest-features --no-overlaps --closest - gencode.v19.genes.bed
The result I get:
chr6 41651715 41703997 ENSG00000112561.13 . - HAVANA gene . gene_id "ENSG00000112561.13"; transcript_id "ENSG00000112561.13"; gene_type "protein_coding"; gene_status "KNOWN"; gene_name "TFEB"; transcript_type "protein_coding"; transcript_status "KNOWN"; transcript_name "TFEB"; level 2; havana_gene "OTTHUMG00000014684.12";|chr6 41704448 41721847 ENSG00000096088.12 . - HAVANA gene . gene_id "ENSG00000096088.12"; transcript_id "ENSG00000096088.12"; gene_type "protein_coding"; gene_status "KNOWN"; gene_name "PGC"; transcript_type "protein_coding"; transcript_status "KNOWN"; transcript_name "PGC"; level 1; havana_gene "OTTHUMG00000014683.6";
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Thank you Sinji, for excellent explanation.. but still bit confusion in bedtools command , because I have only single input file NARROWPEAK_FILE , how can I generate second file GENE_BED_FILE .
Thanks, mike
After reading the replies to @Alex_Reynolds i'm going to advise you to wait for his answer. The answers I gave will annotate all your peaks to their nearest gene, but isn't meant to solve the question you seem to be posing.