Probably late for you but hopefully helpful for others that want to do this: here's an R-based solution:
(I want a wide code box!)
## Read clinical data which can be downloaded from
clinical <- read.table("PATH/TO/nationwidechildrens.org_clinical_patient_skcm.txt", = TRUE,
sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
clinical <- clinical[3:nrow(clinical), ]
rownames(clinical) <- clinical$bcr_patient_barcode
clinical <- clinical[, c("last_contact_days_to", "death_days_to", "ajcc_pathologic_tumor_stage")]
## Create Kaplan-Meier plot (survival plot)
survival.time <- as.integer(ifelse(clinical$last_contact_days_to == "[Not Available]",
clinical$death_days_to, clinical$last_contact_days_to))
censor <- ifelse(!$death_days_to)), 1, 0)
## Some processing to get the staging right
stage <- gsub("Stage |[A-D]|/.*", "", clinical$ajcc_pathologic_tumor_stage)
stage[stage == "I"] <- 1
stage[stage == "II"] <- 2
stage[stage == "III"] <- 3
stage[stage == "IV"] <- 4
stage[stage == "[Not Available]"] <- NA
stage <- as.factor(stage)
df <- data.frame(survival.time, censor, stage)
## And here's the business guy
km.coxph.plot(formula.s = Surv(survival.time, censor) ~ stage, data.s = df, x.label = "Time (days)",
y.label = "Probability of survival", main.title="",
leg.text = c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4"), leg.pos = "topright", leg.inset = 0,
.col = c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "darkred", "black", "orange"),
.lty = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), show.n.risk = TRUE, n.risk.step = 1000, n.risk.cex = 0.85,
verbose = FALSE)