Hi everyone!
I organized some genes with their log2 fold change values from smallest to biggest. However, our project deals with genes changing under different conditions of DMN over time. Is there a r studio or any other program that allows me to compare the specific genes that changed over time. For example, one file is control april v DMN april, and the other file is control april v DMN february. From these two files i am looking for on what genes changed over a specific time based on their log values A positive log value shows an increase in the upstream (expressed), and a negative log value shows down stream (not expressed). Is there an r studio program that allows to compare the genes that changed over time? I have posted pictures on how the files look like.
The above image is control april v dmn april
Bottom one is Control april dmn february
PLEASE provide an r package that can sort out over 39,000 genes.
Thank you for your answer. However, the files were ran through cuffdiff on usegalaxy by using an bias correction. I will try the packages that you recommended. I hope the packages will organize the genes on which specific genes changed over time by their log2 fold change values.