Does anyone know what would be an easy and good way to assemble a bacterial plasmid genome (5-20kb) from Illumina reads that are 150 bases long? I have at least 1000x coverage. Some time ago I tried to use soap denovo and velvet but didn't get good results so I turned to mapping reads to a reference since I had the reference. Now I don't have a reference and would need de novo assembler. The plasmids don't contain repeats.
Have you thought about trying a reference assisted assembler? Is this plasmid similar to other plasmids? I have really enjoyed using ARC for assemblies.
Hi All,
I am trying to perform a de Novo assembly of the supposed plasmid that I have sequenced. In that case, which is the best tool/software which will give me the best results?
Hi jigarnt,
I recently posted about a new tool we developed called Recycler that is designed exactly for this purpose: Recycler for plasmid assembly
I hope it can help you. Cheers, R
**Getting this error: /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/tools/SPAdes-3.7.1-Darwin/bin/ -k 21,33,55,77 --careful --only-assembler --pe<#>-12 <euro_plasmid_r1_paired.fastq euro_plasmid_r2_paired.fastq=""> --pe<#>-s1 <euro_plasmid_r1_unpaired.fastq> --pe<#>-s2 <euro_plasmid_r2_unpaired.fastq> -o Euro_plasmid_spades_output
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' what is wrong with the command?**
Angle brackets
< >
indicate that some type of file name or value should be used in the command at that place, but they aren't part of the command itself.If a Linux command spans several lines, you can use
followed by return, to indicate that the command continues on the next line - that may be what is causing the error message.Change your command to: