Hi All,
I have illumina sequenced a putative plasmid with paired end library. Through sequencing I fetched two files, namely Plasmid_R1.fastq and Plasmid_R2.fastq. I am trying to run SPADES with this command:
European_plasmid lindakohn$ /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/tools/SPAdes-3.7.1-Darwin/bin/spades.py -k 21,33,55,77 --careful --only-assembler \ --pe1-1 European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R1.fastq --pe1-2 European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R2.fastq \ -o spades_output
== Error == Please specify option (e.g. -1, -2, -s, etc) for the following paths: --pe1-1, European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R1.fastq, -o, spades_output
In case you have troubles running SPAdes, you can write to spades.support@bioinf.spbau.ru Please provide us with params.txt and spades.log files from the output directory. lindas-mac-pro:European_plasmid lindakohn$ /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/tools/SPAdes-3.7.1-Darwin/bin/spades.py -k 21,33,55,77 \ --careful --only-assembler --pe1-1 European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R1.fastq --pe1-2 European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R2.fastq \ -o spades_output
What is the possible solution for this???
You have posted variations of this question as answers to other question at least 4 times (jigarnt) please do not do that.
Instead of --pe1-1 or --pe1-2, try -1 and -2. Sometimes that resolves the error.
Hi Adrian,
Sorry for posting it many times, but my intention was to get a quick and prompt response from the experts in the community.
It is important to me to figure this out as quick as possible. I tried what you suggested but it is showing same error. Also, I do not think there is something wrong with the software itself because I ran TEST and it works fine.
Thanks, Jigar
You probably need to write the whole path to the fastq files:
Users/lindakohn/Desktop/tools/SPAdes-3.7.1-Darwin/bin/spades.py -k 21,33,55,77 \ --careful --only-assembler \ --pe1-1 /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/PD/European_plasmid/European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R1.fastq --pe2-2 /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/PD/European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R2.fastq \ -o European_plasmid_fasta
== Error == Please specify option (e.g. -1, -2, -s, etc) for the following paths: --careful, --pe1-1, /Users/lindakohn/Desktop/PD/European_plasmid/European_plasmid_tube_labelled_UB_R1.fastq, -o, European_plasmid_fasta
Getting same error
My only suggestion at this point is for you to type all the command from the beginning (do not copy / paste), and use tab completion where appropriate to avoid errors.