Hello, I want to use exonerate-server. Therefore I've created database file using fasta2esd and then I've tried to build the index using esd2esi, but I didn't work for me. It prints error while running esd2esi:
esd2esi Chr1.esd Chr1.esi
** Message: Building index
* FATAL ERROR *: Unknown or irregular fasta line length
exiting ...
While I'm pretty sure that fasta file is fine. Do you know how to solve this issue?
I think I've figure this out. It because that the sequences in the fasta file are output in one line. Some are too long for the exonerate.
Here is a perl script to re-type the fasta so each sequence would be output in multiple lines
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my ($chr,$help);
my $width="0";
my $infile="";
my $outfile="";
"help|h" => \&USAGE,
"infile:s" => \$infile,
"outfile:s" => \$outfile,
"width=i" => \$width,
die "please give me a number between 10 and 200\n" unless 10<= $width and $width <=200;
open IN,"<$infile"||die;
open OUT,">$outfile";
my $chr=$1 if /^(\S+)/;
chomp(my $seq=<IN>);
print OUT ">$chr\n";
my $start=0;
my $len=length($seq);
print OUT "$b\n";
print OUT "$b\n";
sub USAGE{
my $usage=<<"USAGE";
Program: thir_test.pl
-infile <fasta format> infile
-outfile <fasta format> outfile
-width <int> seq length
-h help
Example1: perl thir_test.pl -infile data.fa -outfile out.fa -width 10
Example2: perl thir_test.pl -h
print $usage;
I also run into this problem, don't know if you've figured it our?