I am in piping PE RNA-Seq files for pre-processing QC (for somatic variant calling downstream).
I use exclusively BBDuk for adapter/quality trimming and prinseq for poly-A/T trimming.
My current configuration for BBDuk is:
#${BBDuk} in1="${file1}" in2="${file2}" out1="${file3}" out2="${file4}" ref="${adapter}" trimq=10 qtrim=r ktrim=r k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 tbo tpe minlen=40 outm=discarded.fastq
My discarded.fastq are close to 600-700 Mb in size and was curious if this is to be expected. My files are fairly high quality RNAseq files from TCGA.
What was your input size?
Try out instead of outm.
@apelin20 My input size has been around 8-15 Gb.