Hi All,
I have Illumina sequenced a putative plasmid using Hi seq 125 bp pair-end library. Size of the putative plasmid on the gel is around 3kb and I got around 10 contigs of that size when I assembled it in SPADES. Now, if it is a plasmid which I think so it is, I am bound to get very high coverage. In that case, what could I possibly do next to find out if it is a plasmid or not?
Have you compared the 10 contigs to each other to see how similar they are and if they could be collapsed into a smaller set? They may be related to each other. Was the data generated from isolated "putative" plasmid DNA or did the sample have other DNA? Do eukaryotic plasmids have an identifiable origin of replication that you could look for (just thinking out aloud)?
Hi Genomax2,
I had Gel extracted my putative plasmid from the Genomic DNA, so there is no question of contamination in it. The 10 contigs which I got are in the size range from 6.6kb to 2.5kb and coverage ranging from 66 to 2. I did a Nucleotide BLAST and I am getting Hits of E. coli plasmid for most of my contigs. As I dont know what should be the ideal coverage of a plasmid, I am baffled in selecting any one contig. Does a Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic plasmid have a similar origin of replication?
Have you blasted the contigs against each other? That would be one way to judge their similarity. You could also use Mauve and try to align them to each other.
In any case you probably have coverage that is much deeper than necessary to do this assembly. Try the options suggested by @Chris below.