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9.0 years ago
Dear all, I would like to install on my Ubuntu 14.04 Variant Effect Predictor and I have still trouble during installation. Very interesting is that I have vep installed on the same linux distribution with no troubles (biolinux).
After perl INSTALL.pl
I have message:
Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Bio-DB-HTS' version '1.11'
Module::Build version 0.42 required--this is only version 0.4003 at ./Build line 41.
ERROR: Shared Bio::DB:HTS library not found
After trying install separetly Bio-HTS I have error:
> *** Building Bio::DB::HTSlib *** Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Bio-DB-HTS' version '1.11'
> Module::Build version 0.42 required--this is only version 0.4003 at
> ./Build line 41. Module::Build version 0.42 required--this is only
> version 0.4003 at ./Build line 41. Build test failed. Not continuing
> at INSTALL.pl line 115. cannot remove path when cwd is
> /tmp/WCNpSQrdt4/Bio-HTS for /tmp/WCNpSQrdt4: at
> /usr/share/perl/5.18/File/Temp.pm line 921.
Please do you have any idea how to avoid this error mesages?
Thank you so much.
error message says your Module::Build version is 0.4003 and you should upgrade it to 0.42
see this link