Is there a comprehensive VCF containing all 3500 samples from the 1000 Genomes project?
The data appears to be split across releases, and I am trying to find all of the 1000 Genomes samples for ethnicities CEU, ASW, and JPT in VCF format. Using release 20130502 I am able to find the majority of the ASW and JPT samples, but not the CEU. I have looked at the other releases and can't seem to find a VCF containing the CEU samples.
Additionally, are there any special considerations for analyzing the different ethnic groups given that the sequencing platforms for the project changed over time and may cause batch effects with ethnic group subsets?
Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you! Do you know of a VCF specifically for SNPs / SNVs?
Sorry I'm a collaborator with only the structural variation group of 1000G